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Winter 2015 on Film

I have become accustomed to winters being slower, work wise, than the warmer months. Our Market maximises the use of locations that require a lot of light, and the shorter days of winter are times to enjoy the Festive season, prepare taxes, and pay that Casting Workbook annual fee. With this in mind it’s been surprisingly busy since Heatstroke closed in the first week of October – on film!

‘Rhapsody: Inspiration’ was a project that took four days throughout the coldest months and allowed me to play a multiple scene film with wild emotional swings for the first time. Working with a gorgeous and naked female co-star was also a first, and almost made up for the scene spent under a hosepipe in November! Thanks, Dennis. See above for a picture of our main set.

An Industrial for BC Mental Health was a one-day shoot, kept me busy on a Sunday morning and paid! Likewise with the Mercedes Benz Commercial in Langley, where I spent more time travelling than appearing in front of the camera, but I got to drive one, and everyone I know appeared to see it before I did! ‘I told you I was working!”

Circle Productions’ Motion Capture gig was a challenging first for me. Great atmosphere, very talented actors and creative staff, and paid as much as a major commercial booking, so all in all a great way to spend a handful of days. I would definitely look forward to doing a Video game in the future –I think it’s an avenue that we will be seeing more of.

Three more character projects were ‘Vietnam Did This to Me’ was a very tense weekend shoot in North Vancouver – in a great way. Once again, I got to play an interesting character in a moment of stress, loved both playing Skinner, and working with a great cast. Thanks, Pan. In The Prodigal Daughter, we spent a day in an Abbotsford winery playing dramatic scenes of a Father/Daughter relationship, and Jim and everyone else was a joy to work with. Another great Feature film in the can is Full Stop’s production of ‘The Iron Sixth’, where Oscar came to life over four distinct scenes that allowed me to be open, honest, and someone that could be a major threat to the lead role (Or am I a ‘Red Herring’). A fabulous piece of character work that I can’t wait to see how he fits into the overall story.

I auditioned for what I thought was a physical art placement, and was overjoyed to find out that it was for an actual TV Commercial for the Vancouver Art Gallery. A tough day, that’s for sure, but the pay was great, and I’ll be seen across the Province all spring on TV and on the net. Something else for my Book Club pals to be impressed with!

As of this writing, one of these gigs may lead to a Voice Over job in late February, and this week I have a read through for another Industrial being shot in the next few weeks. This was for a supporting role that, after the audition, became a re-written featured role.

I never get this kind of luck!

I don’t know what I have done to deserve this fortune, or what has happened to the overall industry in town, but this barely believable run of work has been a boon to me – both financially and artistically – and, has proved two things to me: I can do this, and I can earn money doing it. What’s more, it was all achieved over a winter! Let’s see what we can all do in this upcoming – and, apparently, busy – summer filming season.

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